My Tattoos!


TATTOO References: Jack’s Tail



Hi! I’m getting two tattoos and this page is to help me conspire with my artist to get them perfect! So here we can post links, photos, pictures, sketches, ect for what I want.




So I want a small 2ish inch goomba on my outer right ankle. Full color. Probably a little higher than people think of as ankle typically. I’ve ordered it as a temporary tattoo to play with placement and make sure I like it. I’m hoping we won’t have to have an in person consult for this one as it’s pretty simple. If you’re a nerd, you know the goomba. I want to go old school original 8 bit:

The color in that picture is a bit off because i had to play with the color attributes to get it to look good in grey scale for the fake tattoo. The actual mushroom head will be dark brown. But see how you can see the individual pixel lines on it? I want that. Here’s two more examples where you can see the individual pixels defined in the tattoo. I know one of these is skin showing through (more difficult) and one is inked, I like both (skin showing would be wicked awesome though and age better, I would think). The lines should go through the black and white on the goomba as well.

And here is a photo of me sporting the fake tattoo where I want it. Kind of. It need’s to come more toward the front of my leg. Maybe slightly smaller too.

I’m hoping we can do a virtual consult for the goomba and not have to travel twice for it. It’s pretty basic. Now tattoo number two is very NOT basic:




My dream tattoo! I’ve been really fat my entire life — almost 400lbs at my biggest. I’ve lost a ton of weight and this year (hopefully) I’m getting plastic surgery on my arms to make them not look horrible and fat. (Having a bracioplasty AKA arm lift) YAY! And I want a full color (partial) sleeve to go on my new arm! (Preferably done in late 2022 for my 40th birthday). I want you to help me take something I’ve been self conscious about for my entire life and make it a beautiful piece of art.

Obviously, the skin will be thinner and have stretch marks so I don’t want to hope and aspire to something that is not possible. However, the stretch marks are ancient so well healed and the arm lift should tghten the skin up nicely. I’m not trying to hide my stretch marks, I just want an awesome tattoo!

I’ll include lots of photos of my arm once I’ve had my armlift.

My vision: mostly photo realistic with a little room to play especially with water color. I want everything tied together with black baroque swirls that go throughout the tattoo and make a little peek-a-boo on my neck and just below where the tattoo ends around my elbow. I want a portrait of my beloved Jack:

Probably just chest/bowtie up. And that tuft of hair right above the bowtie is just a quirk of the photo, he doesn’t have a beard so smudge that out. If you tattoo it in, it’ll look like the cat had a beard. Optional: if his little tail could somehow swing back around to show in the sleeve, that would be adorable. The last two stripes of his tail are silver tabby, so grey, unlike the rest of him. It’s one of his distinguishing features. So something to think about while designing the piece but optional depending on aesthetics.

So it’s funny, while I was searching for references for the fall leaves I found this tattoo which is really freakishly close to what I would love:

Be still, my heart! Look at that dog! Thats not just any dog, that is that chicks dog. And thats what I want. I dont want just a tabby cat in a bowtie — I want my little spirit familiar Jack on my arm. Thats why I’m seeking someone excellent. I need mad skills.

And just look at those fall leaves! *swoon*. And that solid color. Of course I want a full spectrum of color and that one is mostly reds and oranges. I want to see some blue and purple sky in there with 2 little bats. Not photo real bats, they can be bat shadows. But I want a full color sleeve. Super saturated color. I LOVE that damn dog tattoo there.

Like here’s a small tattoo I like a lot that has more color variation:

If you need, I can find some sleeves that are the basic color palette I like, but I think you can get what I’m talking about. I love that leaf above, just needs a sprinkle of bright blue and purple behind it.

Oh and don’t forget. PUMPKIN(s)! I love pumpkins. Adore them. So I want at least one pumpkin. Multiple are optional. Like I said, I want to collaborate on this art piece, not just copy someone else’s tattoo. Maybe Jack (my cat) has a pumpkin instead of leaves in front of him. Here’s a pumpkin that makes me happy:

What I love about this NEXT pumpkin is how they turned the stem into the baroque swirls im going for. LOVE that. the pumpkin itself is a little too cartoony, but man I love what they did with that stem.

Look at the swirls on this next one. They might be a bit much with the shading but I aint hating it. I want a more solid piece with less skin showing through though.

So swirls, leaves, my precious cat, pumpkin(s?), bats — am I going for Halloween? Not really. I’m going for autumn. However, Halloween is my favorite so I ain’t gonna hate it if it leans a bit that way in some viewers opinions. Bats aren’t Halloween to me. They’re just great creatures that kill mosquitoes. Plus Batman kicks ass so there’s that. Though Deadpool is my favorite.

Here’s me fucking around in photoshop on my couch with my cat in my lap and a trackball on my knee. Don’t judge, you’re the artist not me. But I’m thinking something like this to start the sleeve. Color in the back? It’s a hot mess, but see what i mean with pumpkins in front of the cat? Free free to tweak the FUCK out of that. It’s not good, I know. It needs to flow. And I want tons of saturation in the pumpkins. I just grabbed these from up top.

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