I’m alive!

This is day 2 post-op. Surgery was Wednesday, I came home Thursday. It’s going well. Well, as well as can be expected. I feel good this morning so I’m sitting up and thought I’d post.

I feel so guilty that I can’t do anything for myself. I got Mr C and my Sister-In-Law up here taking care of me. My drains have to be cleaned every 3 hours — they are pumping it out. I feel odd about the drains. Like I feel like I’m losing at good nutrients leaving my body. I need those!

So this lift recliner is a LIFE SAVER. Worth a grand easy. I can get up and down alone if needed. Those crossfit squats are paying off in that getting up and down for the toilet is pretty easy.

Also my doctor commented that I had great muscles! HELL YEAH. I asked how separated they were and he said only a little bit and they were in good shape. Abs baby, they’re there, you just can’t see them 😉

He took off a LOT. I think he told Mr C they lipo-ed more than 10 pounds and took 7 pounds of skin.

Thursday morning was a CLUSTERFUCK of massive proportions. I’ll tell you about it later. My arms swelling and needs to be raised.

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