One Week Post Op

So it’s been one week since I had my tummy tuck and arm lift. I had a follow-up with the nurse this morning. Since everything looks great, I get… MORE COMPRESSION. You thought that binder was tight before — wooh, no way baby. This thing is now as tight as if you used some cable tighteners to get it cinched. Damn. Like I ain’t bending at all. Not because my abs can’t, but because I have been bound so tightly. I feel like a china doll.

So my belly button hurts. Hence I’m not napping, hence I’m posting here. I’ve been trying to get a good way to access my laptop but I just can’t. My arms need to be raised, so it makes logistics difficult. This also very much bothers my cat. The pillows take up my lap. So now whenever I go to move or get up and move the pillows or especially when I’m sitting back down, before the pillows are out, he pounces on an open lap. Poor guy.

So I’m looking great according to the nurse. They took off 15lbs total between skin and lipo. I have a very swollen hourglass. Comically swollen. Over 7lbs of what they took off was skin. Bleh. I saw the pictures. It was a lot.

I’m so glad I prepared for this surgery. I knew what to expect and I went in as prepared as I could be. The lift recliner is REQUIRED. It’s where I live. It allows me to get up and sit down on my own. It’s required. The crossfit that got my legs ready to be able to squat all my weight easily — also required. Thank GOD. If I was my old jello self, I just don’t know how I’d be getting around. Also, thank God for our tall toilets. If you have standard short toilets, you’ll want riser.

The rollator is up for debate. A walker is completely unneeded and bad for you. My doctor wants me walking upright — not hunching. Today I got in trouble for hunching too much and I thought I was doing damn good! However, the rollator is a very convenient that seat I can easily roll where ever I need it. The height of the seat makes it easy to get in and out. I use it in the kitchen to empty and clean my drains. I use it in front of the bathroom sink to clean up and brush my teeth. I use it in the bedroom to sit on when I get out of the shower and need help getting dressed. Plus I can easily move it around on my own. So I’m extremely glad I rented it. But strategically placed chairs could serve the same purpose.

I’m also glad I labeled all my medicines in layman terms. This has helped me as well as my care takers. Need a muscle relaxer? Whats it called? I don’t give a shit, it’s the one that says “muscle relaxer.” Oh and thank God for protein shakes! I’ve been living off them! Thanks to K3 who keeps ordering them for me with her Sam’s Club membership.

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