Hair Loss

So I’ve been balding for a good — well, over a decade. I think it started with thyroid and just kinda never stopped. Plenty of doctors have mentioned it to me. It’s obvious I’m balding. But, I mean, what can I do about it? It sucks. I choose not to ponder on it. It’s embarrassing. When I was in the car accident and had a huge knot on my forehead, even the ER doctor asked if I had seen anyone about my balding. Seriously? We have other problems here.

When it first started, I did think we could fix the problem. However, my doctor said it look like female pattern baldness. Well, fuck. In men, at least you expect some men go bald — but in women it’s especially embarrassing. So I just ignore it. I stopped dying my hair and getting cute hair cuts. I just wear it back in a clip. It is what it is. However, after so many doctors mentioned it, I was finally like fine! Refer me to the the dermatologist. I’ve never been to one and could use a skin checkout anyway. That came today.

First, because insurance and doctor greed, we couldn’t discuss my balding AND my skin. They have to be separate appointments because lord knows the doctors got to get his money. Can they just be back-to-back appointments? Nope, insurance don’t play that game. Pick one. So I went with the hair since that’s what initially inspired this visit.

His diagnosis, classic female pattern baldness. With PCOS for funnsies. I’ve known I had PCOS so no biggie. I was surprised to hear that he’d suggest I treat it with my regular doctor and metformin. My regular doctor did do a ultrasound a few years ago when I asked, but I didn’t have cysts on my ovaries so he decided I didn’t have it. Well, I knew I did, just didn’t care case I don’t want kids anyway. This doctor was like yeah, you have it. Not everyone has cysts, it’s a cluster of symptoms. So that’s interesting. I will pursue this later.

He decided to prescribe some medications. Propecia and Rogain. But, Mrs C, you can’t take Propecia — that’s only for men! Well, apparently it’s only for men because it causes wicked birth defects. But Mrs C can’t have no babies. When doc found out I already had my tubes removed he was like oh man, a whole new world of options just opened up. He even warned me that the pharmacist would probably give me a lot of shit and not to let it scare me. He warned me about the depression possibilities and confirmed that I see my psychiatrist regularly and am well controlled. No babies, so no birth defects. Can cause lowered sex drive — but I’m already on 3 antidepressants that do that. So Mr C and I have worked out the no sex drive thing pretty well. (Yes, we have plenty of sex, don’t worry).

Then he tossed on Rogain for more hair growth. Unfortunately, this might cause unwanted hair growth in other places — so were gonna try a low dose and see how it goes. I already have to shave my face because of the PCOS, so if it makes that worse, we can stop it. However, the propecia should actually help the facial hair thing so maybe they’ll cancel each other out.

So cool. Apparently, I should not have waited a decade. Treating early is the best results. But he does think I can get some hair growth. Wouldn’t that be cool? I’d love to not have bald spots. I don’t think I’ll get there but it’s nice to think it’s a possibility. I won’t see any results for 3 months and nothing close to full results for at least 6 months. And to keep any results you have to stay on the medication permanently. But I’ll give it a shot. Imagine if I got my hair back. I’d get highlights and a cute moppy haircut.

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