Physical Therapy

So physical therapy on my neck for headaches and whiplash issues is wrapping up (3 more appointments).  Killing the prescription off with some dry needling.  Kinda feeling it in my upper back after this one.  The cat can’t complain when I give him his fluids later tonight.  Actually, yes he can.  I feel bad about it.  

I’m feeling a bit crummy (physically) after last night.  I drove across town in the dark.  So I got super nauseous because my vestibular system is still screwy.  So now they want to work on that.  UGH.  I’m dreading it.  I said okay, because it’d be nice to be able to drive further than across town.  However, last time I did vestibular therapy I was just sick with it all the time.  But they swear the point is to monitor heart rate and stay BELOW that threshold.  Also it’s been a year so I’m in a better place (physically).  And this physical therapy place is way better than the last one.  Right?  Plus I got to learn the Witcher lyrics while I did my eye exercises.  Ugh.

I wish it was something you could just massage and poke needles in to fix.   I much prefer the needles. But man, I’m sore as I type this.  I think it’s because I keep falling into a slouch and stretching the muscles they just electrified.  That’s one way to encourage sitting up straight, I guess.  If only they’d let me wear those motion sickness patches 24/7 I wouldn’t NEED physical therapy.  

You hit your head in the wrong way and bam, every things jacked up.   Mr C, I might need a ride when they do this weird maneuver to “reset” your vestibular system.  I’m told I won’t feel good.