It’s a Trap!

This is the third time I’ve received one of these emails:

Planet Fitness wants to know how likely I am to recommend them to others. Simple, click a number. OK. But then, it’s going to take me to a survey. And that survey will ask me if I have any comments. OF COURSE I have comments. The last two times I replied with meaningful and helpful suggestions. Do you know what happened?

Those motherfuckers CALLED ME. ON. MY. PHONE. What in gods name made them think that I wanted the local Planet Fitness to call me about my feedback? NO. Fix your shit. That’s what I want. I want more barbells and for you to kick stragglers off the 30 minute circuit that are hogging the machines. I don’t want to talk to you. Fuck.

Killing It

I signed up for Planet Fitness today. I went with K. I stopped crossfit last November for my surgeries. Now I’m getting back into working out. So I had my husband take a “before shot” this morning. I’ve gained 20lbs from not working out and recovering from surgeries. But holy shit, look at me! The red is TODAY. 20lbs HEAVIER.

I look great. I’m used to just looking at my body naked and all the imperfections, but I’m looking good in my sports bra and leggings. Plastic Surgery A+!

So the November shot I was around 245lbs and at the strongest I’ve probably ever been. Today’s shot, the red sports bra, I’m 265lbs and have no muscles at all. Wow.

I age well. With enough plastic surgery 😉