Plus $20 for the tetanus shot.

I mentioned in my last post that we upgraded the privacy fence around the pool. Well, it’s the same fence but new paint, details, and hardware. I’m especially excited about the new gate latches. Our old ones were so confusing and weird. Plus why were the hung so high? So kids couldn’t reach them? We don’t even have kids. And the pull handles were at a 45 degree angle — it was just a mess. So having some nice hardware I chose is *muah* very nice.

The only problem was, one of the gates didn’t quite have enough clearance for the new hardware. You had to slam that baby closed and it still scratched the metal. Easy fix, just countersink the hardware. I watched a youtube video, I can do this. So I borrowed some chisels from K‘s boyfriend and went to work.

Look at that beautifully sunk piece of metal. It’s perfect. Well, a little paint touch ups and it’ll be perfect. It was not, however, as easy as that fucker on youtube made it look. But the hardware works perfectly now. Go me! And it was only a $20 copay to get a tetanus shot after I stabbed my finger with the chisel. Score!

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0 thoughts on “Plus $20 for the tetanus shot.

  • A is glad the chisels worked, that is why he sent 2 sizes! The fence looks so nice in person. I am 100% on the fence caps for my fence. I am also thinking about little wrought iron dachshund details for the posts 🤣

    • says:

      You can’t say “dachshund details” and not SHOW me them! Come on, send me a link!

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