2.5 Weeks Post-Op

So I’m 17 days out from my surgery. Abdominoplasty with Placation and Bracioplasty — AKA a tummy tuck and arm lift. I have to pee. Like a lot.

After surgery, my hips and thighs swelled to comical proportions (especially compared to my new slim waist line – I’m a fucking XL anime chick over here). I was afraid I’d get new stretchmarks! They were rock hard, they were so swollen. Now I’m starting to get jiggly again. Lord help, I never thought I’d be thankful for jiggly thighs. So my swelling is finally going down! WOOT WOOT!

However, that fluid has to go somewhere. And that somewhere goes right through my bladder. Basically every time I get comfortable, I have to pee again. I should be a pregnant lady over here with my lift recliner and bladder that has me peeing every hour! I laid down on the couch and Jack (the cat) got comfortable and then I had to get up. He heavily sighed at me and went to sleep on his heated bed under the Christmas Tree.

I’m not sure if this is a result of the Bromelain I started taking on Friday or just coincidental timing. I know most people say the 2/3 week mark is when they start feeling more like themselves. Or hey, I’ll take the magical pineapple extract theory too. Though, I will say I went through three containers of Arnica extract and it didn’t do shit. I waited on the Bromelain because I read it could affect blood thinners which I was on for the first week.

Yay, jiggly thighs!

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