Wild West

It’s like the fucking wild west over here! I saw the doctor today as scheduled. 19 days post-op. He barely looked me over. He did look at the little wound opening but it’s not bad apparently. I had to make him look at the drain holes to make sure they were fine. He asked if I had any questions. Oh I have questions.

Can I switch to this binder (I had pulled it up on Amazon because I forgot to bring it) instead of the one they sent me home in?

As long as it’s supportive you can wear whatever you want.

Do I still need the lipo foam?

Is it bugging you?


Then you don’t have to use it if your new binder supports your back.

I’ve been sleeping on a wedge with my shoulders and knees raised on my back but I’m a side…

You can sleep however you want.

However I want? FUCK ME. I’ve been over here on the couch carefully positioned between two wedges on my back with my arms out. And you’re telling me I could be in my bed on my side? It’s the Wild West! Wear what I want, sleep how I want. What the fuck!? I thought we had rules!

The only rule that stands is that I can’t have these bastard drains out until they are under 15cc per drain per day. Fuck. They’re around 100cc right now šŸ™ I swear he put them right there so I could see what it was like to have balls.

Well, Mr C is very happy he doesn’t have to help me get in that old binder anymore. New binder is much easier to put on.

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