Putting Away Christmas

I’m finally making a dent in putting away the Christmas decor! It’s been weighing on me heavily as a task that needs doing. We never take it down before Mr C’s birthday — but once that passes, it’s just such a chore. I come down from work, I’m already a bit depressed, and I’m just overwhelmed. I can’t relax because I gotta do it — but I also don’t want to do it — so I just nap instead.

Not today, Satan!

Last night I had Mr C bring in all the boxes and started packing up. Today I took down the tree. The downstairs is officially de-decorated. HA! And Mr C took all the front decorations around back for me too. So I don’t have to feel ashamed about the neighbors judgement. This is a huge victory against depression! SUCK IT!

The upstairs trees are not as much trouble and they’re not in “my space.” So I’m not looking at them feeling weighed down. Moms room is fast as I just stick the whole tree in the closet. Then the office tree is small. The bedroom tree is a bit of a pain, but not as bad as our main tree. So yeah. I’m doing it!

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