9 Weeks Post-Op

So I’m 9 weeks post-op tomorrow (tummy tuck / abdominoplasty, arm lift / brachioplasty). I should be working out by now but I’ve still got a fucking drain in!

Yesterday I saw the doctor. I presented the graph of obvious non drainage decline and he said OK, we’ll take one out and watch the other over the next few days. Awesome! Well, then he left and the nurse wasn’t so happy to take out a drain. She insisted that this was normal and they were going down. She’s worked there for 19 years, you know. Bitch, can you not read a line graph? It’s a fucking picture. And the doctors been there longer than 19 years. I know those nurses hate me. She mentioned the numerous requests in my file about the drains. And she said if they are removed, they’ll have to manually remove the fluid with a needle multiple times. Bitch, I know. I accept this. I do not accept keeping useless drains in when they could be the irritation causing the damn drainage themselves.

So he said come back in a few days. The nurse, however, said to call when the drain goes down and blah blah blah about 15ccs. So I’m not sure when they’ll actually take this second one out. However, they did take the problem one out — the one that was painful because it had slipped out about an inch, was cloudy, and was smelly. Having one long tube to deal with is also simpler than trying to keep two from getting twisted and tangled. So half victory.

I asked about getting on his schedule for March for the breasts. I need them healed up before I open the pool in the summer. So if they can’t be done in March or April, I’ll put it off till the pool closes in Fall. He said that should be fine. Of course he’s booked up. Which is why I’ve mentioned it in my previous appointment and he blew me off with we’ll talk about that next time. UGH. So the scheduler is supposed to talk to him and then give me a call. I’m crossing my fingers. But I’m also prepared to hear that I have to wait till after summer.

Also FIRST TATTOO THIS WEEK! Saturday I’m getting my Goomba!

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