No good deed…

I have a very sour taste in my mouth. I finally got off my ass to get rid of all of Jack’s old medication and food. I still have 35 cans of prescription kidney diet cat food. That shits almost $3.00 a can. I reached out to every animal shelter. One really wanted his food but wouldn’t send anyone to pick it up. After finally failing to get anyone, I posted it on Facebook and NextDoor. I required that anyone who wants it provide evidence of the prescription and slapped a $10 cost on it to avoid the weird freebie people.

Turns out someone we know has a cat that needs it. Awesome, come get it. Is it over? No. No good deed goes unpunished. I quickly removed all the listings but still had someone reach out to me on NextDoor about it (Admitting that they could no longer find the original post). She had wanted to get it for her non-profit but had to reach out to the foster mom who needed it to see if she had a prescription. Well, I’m sorry it’s gone. I mean, technically it’s by my front door, but you know what I mean. She got a little pissy and even showed me screen shots of the convo with the foster. They seemed peeved that I wanted to see a prescription. Well, yeah. This is prescription food. And damn expensive. Don’t feed it to a cat that can just as easily eat some 99 cent Purina food. Anyway, I did throw them a bone and offer up all of Jacks leftover medicine which includes prescription IV bags with lines and tons of sterile needles.

Anyway, the acquaintance that wants it. Well… I’m not thrilled with her situation. See, she has five cats. One of which is an old man that needs kidney food. He’s not on it though because she can’t afford it. Hence she wants Jack’s. But dude, STOP TAKING IN CATS YOU CAN’T AFFORD. On top of multiple other terrible life decisions I shall not mention. I’m just not thrilled with it. And now she’s sick and can’t pick it up today. And I know that she won’t keep him on this diet because there’s no way she can afford it.

Then tonight one of my local shelters finally replies to my email (they didn’t have a phone number listed anywhere) that they’d be thrilled to have it. God dammit. So it’s sitting by my door, but I have to say no. Cause I already told this other chick she could have it. And I even told her if she can’t pick it up, this shelter wants it. She said “no, I got dibs!” God Dammit.

So now, even though I’m giving away $200 easy in cat health care, I feel like shit. Awesome.

Oh and lets not even mention all the people who have subtilely (and not-so-subtilely ) tried to get me to take in cats. Obviously, I’m a good cat parent. And everyone’s always getting rid of cats. So I’m like a fucking target. Some of my work buddies took in two kittens that a feral had. There’s a third but they can’t have all three. So they really want me to take it. They’ve even shown me pictures. Another guy at work is getting rid of an adult cat and people have asked me if I’d take it. Then another work friend (a little better than JUST work friend) is rehoming his cats. He’s getting married and she’s not a cat person and so he’s getting rid of them. But he’s like super sad about it. So he keeps moaning to me about it. I’m pretty sure he’s hoping I’ll take them. But dude, one of them is antisocial and the other is a cuddlebug but apparently doesn’t want pets. So like, I’m not interested.

Also, my sister is having to find a new home for HER cats. She lives with my other sister who won’t take them. They’ve been living at my dads girlfriends house for 4 years. In a single room because they don’t mesh with her other pets. Sister never visits them. They never get any attention because the girlfriend is rarely, if ever, home. I bet my other sister folds and takes them, but whatever. Anyway — girlfriend is moving so cats gotta go. I bet you $100, if she shows up to my Christmas party on Sunday, she asks me to take the cats. She probably won’t show though. Anyway, she gets under my skin with those cats. Give them to someone who will love them! You don’t love them! She always posts about how much she loves them and compares them to my Jack. No, bitch. You border line abuse those cats. They’re probably half feral from years of no stimulation. I don’t even think they like HER anymore. Oh and lets not forget these are the babies of another cat she had that she didn’t get fixed. She liked the babies more so ditched the older cat to the shelter. Oh and she didn’t get them fixed either so they got pregnant and she had to get the girl a kitty abortion.


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