Grocery Store Questions.

First question: Bananas. Why are bananas so fucking cheap? I get onto my husband when he lets bananas spoil. I did this the other day and he apologized and said he shouldn’t have put them on the grocery list. Then, I obviously felt bad, and pointed out that bananas are fucking cheap and I’m the one who let a whole two containers of strawberries spoil which are not cheap.

OK, so I get why other produce is expensive. So the comparison isn’t most of the question. The questions is — how are these bananas so fucking cheap? We don’t even grow these thing here! The strawberries are coming from inside the house — the bananas sure aint! And there are a SHIT TON of bananas everywhere too! Is that why they’re cheap? Is it child labor? Slavery? What about the fuel to get them over here? And they spoil and bruise so easily too — these things should cost a lot of money! What’s the deal?

Second question: toothpaste. I needed toothpaste. Apparently, they don’t sell Aquafresh at Publix anymore. This is horrible. I’ve used that toothpaste forever. But I’m not about to start making special trips for toothpaste so I accept my fate. There were three brands. Sensodyne, Colgate, and Crest. And like twenty kinds of each brand. Why do we need a whole wall of toothpaste? This is insane.

I went with sensodyne because I do have sensitive teeth. OK, narrowed it down to 20. My teeth are very yellow so how about one of the whitening ones? So I grab one and it doesn’t say what flavor it is or list anything in the ingredients indicating such. You might think they all taste the same, but they DON’T. I used mom’s baking soda toothpaste once and it tasted like death! Oh, they had Arm & Hammer as a brand too but that was right out, obviously. So the only one of the 20 synsodynes that mentioned flavor was “fresh mint.” So I grab it an compare the ingredients to the whitening one. Same damn ingredients. In fact, 1% more of the active ingredient in the mint one! Is this all a scam? These are all the same toothpastes, aren’t they?

I need to research both of these topics but I don’t want to right this second. Thank you for your time