Is insurance getting even shittier?

Is it me, or has insurance been getting even shittier lately? Yesterday I went to pick up Mr C’s prescription and they wouldn’t cover it because a generic was available over the counter. Yeah, a generic at half the dose for $22. So almost $50 a month. They wanted $80 for the prescription generic. Thankfully GoodRX had my back and got it down to $12.

I was also picking up some of my monthly drug haul and noticed one of them was unusually high. I asked about it and he said insurance wouldn’t cover it from that pharmacy. Apparently they cover it, but only if I order it through CVS Caremark. WTF? You can dictate my pharmacy now? I have a lot of good reasons I won’t be switching to CVS even for just that one. Thankfully, thyroid hormones aren’t too pricey anyway.

Whats with insurance being such bullshit? Am I the only one noticing them reigning it in on what they cover? Since when can they cover one pharmacy but not another? Not even “in network” or “out of network” but just this one mail order service only? Can you even trust the mail with your required-for-life prescriptions? You know how long it took me to get the last pair of pants I ordered? And then there’s the running late days or the days they just don’t deliver it and claim your driveway was blocked. Plus it’s like 100 degrees (F) outside, so more in the trucks — that can’t be good for prescription medicine.