I’ll do it tomorrow.

Man, I hate laying out my medication for the week. I use one of those weekly pill boxes that has little boxes for the different times of day. Oh here, one of these things:

‘Cause I take a lot of pills. I have two antidepressants, one antianxiety, two thyroid hormone replacements (’cause I aint got one), antacid, and three medications to try to make my hair grow. And some of these have to be taken multiple times a day (two times for the thyroid hormones, three times for the antianxiety and antidepressant). I also take a lot of vitamins. Iron (the “easy iron” that has a few more things like vit C to help you actually absorb the iron), B12, Magnesium, Calcium, D3, and a general multi vitamin). Oh and some don’t mix — like I can’t take iron at the same time I take my thyroid hormones because of the way they absorb. So yeah, you can’t just take all this shit out of the bottles, you gotta lay it out. But I never wanna lay it out.

So evening Mrs C is like “I’ll do it in the morning” and morning Mrs C is like “God damn my laziness.”

Which is basically all I wrote this post to say.


I kinda want to ditch the hair pills because I don’t feel like they’re doing anything for me anymore. But when I started them, I feel like they did something for me. If I stop, I’ll lose all the hair they did grow. So that sucks.

Don’t come at me with the vitamin speeches. I have been found deficient in my yearly blood work in D3, B12, and iron before. So I take those and my blood work has been great ever since. I started the salts supplement (magnesium and calcium) when I went Keto and now if I got without it for a while, I start getting leg cramps and restless legs. Plus a multivitamin is just like a bonus “and here’s the rest.”

Almost 20 years ago, during a physical, I was anemic (low iron). So that’s why I take it, right? And it hasn’t been a problem since. I just pop some iron and it’s fine. But it’s in my medical record to check it. I guess once you’re labeled anemic, you just keep the title? Like an award. Anyway, in my court case the lawyer REALLY wanted to hammer on the anemia and that that was the reason for my symptoms and not a traumatic brain injury.

I shut him down. Not in a I’m cooler than you way – I just kept saying no. So he kept asking me about it and I kept saying no. So much so that the judge told him to move on. Then in his closing arguments he made the argument that if you think anyone is lying, you can throw out their ENTIRE testimony as false and encouraged them to look at me records (all of my medical records were submitted as evidence). And they have my cool anemia title in them. My lawyer never addressed it for me to explain.

So I was under strict instructions to only answer what was asked of me by the other lawyer specifically and as succinctly as possible. Hence the “no” answers. But I was THIS close to laying it out. One, I take iron every day. Really though, I don’t have to. That’s because the main reason a lot of women get anemic is because of periods and then having to build our iron stores back up every month. But I don’t get periods because I’m on Mirana for birth control. I don’t even need it for birth control ’cause I had my tubes removed – but I like the no period thing. So I REALLY wanted to embarrass that motherfucker by discussing my periods and birth control in front of the full court room but I wasn’t allowed to and it makes me sad. The End.

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