Well this lives rent free in my head now.

So this is now moved into my head. We finally got our stuff moved back in and unpacked. So I posted the boxes and paper on Facebook Market Place to whoever wanted it — Free, of course. Someone came for the boxes and some of the paper. Then I reposted this post for just the paper. It was mostly a copy paste of the original text (hence the “We also” I didn’t edit out).

Screenshots and Text Only below. I didn’t edit out their names in the screenshots cause fuck ’em. I also didn’t edit out anyone’s (including my own) typos.


Text of screenshots (For ease of reading)

Actual Post: FREE! Just had our floors redone and had everything professionally packed. Well, these people must get paid by how much paper they manage to use!

We also have the MOUNTAIN of paper. No, we didn’t try to make that look bigger than it is. It’s that much paper. There is some paper I have flattened to keep for myself. You cannot have THAT paper.

Bring your own garbage bags! Like a lot of garbage bags. You bag it and take it. Do not stay here for hours flattening it out.

Don’t wear dirty shoes in my house. This was all over having to redo the floors.

First who can pick it up gets it. No dibs. I want it gone ASAP.


P1: You sound like a very pleasant person to deal eith

P2: I was thinking that too

P3: and look at her name, Karen!!!

P1: nailed it

P3: I say she can clean that shit up herself.

P1: I’m betting that’s what is gonna happen.

Nice Woman: Hi Karen I’m definitely interested. PM where to go. I live almost to Athens coming out of madison

P1: make sure you don’t spend hours straighten it out. Oh, and you can’t have the pieces that have already been straightened out. Oh, wash your nasty feet first

Nice Woman: she was very nice I got it all.

P4: Definitely a Karen lol

ME: I don’t see whats wrong with giving away almost a hundred dollars worth of quality paper for free. I thought someone who did paper craft would like to use it. Would make wonderful base for sculpting or paper mache or someone that does parade floats. Or a teacher or community center that does crafts for multiple people. It ended up going to someone who ships out a lot of product.

It’s rude to wear dirty shoes in someones house. That’s just manners.

And why would I give away the paper I took the time to flatten out myself? I only wanted enough to pad my Christmas decorations and to give a friend who is getting a garage soon and will be packing things up.

If someone hadn’t wanted it, I’d have bagged it up myself and found somewhere to donate it or take it off to recycling. It’s clean large sheets of heavy weight paper in an air conditioned room. It’s not a big job to bag up. I just didn’t want to go buy more garage bags because I knew I didn’t have enough. I just figured I’d give someone the chance to have it if they wanted it. Sorry that offends you?

Nice Man: They get paid by the amount of boxes so the more they fill up with paper the more boxes they use so you pay more

ME: Holy crap — that would explain THIS! Even all my canned goods were individually wrapped. This is a tiny tomato paste can.

And a vase of paper flowers was in its own box with nothing else!

I will ask my contractor what their charging model is. This was all due to a washing machine overflowing and damaging the ceiling, walls, and floor. So insurance is covering it all. I’m just paying my contractor (who built my house originally) and he’s the one who contracted out the movers.

I’ve no doubt I was charged heavily for all of this top quality paper as well.

I was shocked when they moved everything back in because we didn’t have that much stuff. But there were almost 10 boxes just from my pantry. Like this tomato can and all my nalogene bottles were individually wrapped as well. 5 cans of pumpkin puree, all individually wrapped in this giant paper. It was insane. I finally had to get my husband to come help me unwrap stuff. Because it wasn’t that we had so much, it was the unwrapping that was taking forever!

They packaged my craft buffet and one of my crayon boxes has about 200+ crayons. They’re all organized in those typical crayon boxes within a box that hold two rows each. Well, they ere packed in doubles. Yeah, not just wrap up the crayon box. They separated out the crayons and wrapped the individual sub-boxes two at a time. In this huge paper.

My husband (and the first lady who took the moving boxes and some of the paper) thought they were just being thorough so we cant claim they broke anything…

But it was literally just being moved from my house to the garage.


WTF? I fucking hate people.

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