Some Things 9/9

1) Yesterday, I tried a Carolina Reaper flavored Jelly Belly (Link to Amazon for M). It was surprisingly delicious. It was just sweet jelly bean flavored with a lot of heat. Not as bad as a real pepper. It doesn’t have the digestive issues. Also, since I never have real sugar, it tasted extremely sweet to me. (A bag had 49 carbs, yes, but that’s still only like 1 per bean, so I was cool). I didn’t try the other flavors because of the carbs and the pack not being mine so I was just like “give me the hottest one.” There was a brief moment when the heat started to creep down my throat where I wanted to cough (I didn’t have anything to drink), but I made it. I don’t think it’s as hot as the real thing. But they’re fun. Especially because some people are total pussies.

2) Can you believe it’s September of 2021? Almost 2022 over here! I’m still stuck back in 2020.

3) My Jack Jack has a vet visit tomorrow. Wish us luck.

4) I screwed up and made pretty good friends with K3. I’ve known she was gonna move away as soon as she got a job in the place she wants so I did not intend to. But we’ve been working out twice a week, taking work breaks to walk around the building, and she’s become my pool buddy too. DAMMIT. Now she might have that job offer. I’m really really bummed about this. THIS is why I didn’t want to become friends. ARG! I’m losing my buddy 🙁

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