Two Days Post-Op

So I had my breast lift and augmentation two days ago. It’s rough. It’s been real rough. I think the day of, coming home — might well have been the most pain I’ve ever been in. I hurt. I hurt a lot.

After much thought, I think that Experel shot made all the difference. That’s why so many people post about the arms being their worst surgery and I was able to breeze through. I had the Experel because they were doing my tummy too. Well, no shot for just boobs. So, I’m guessing that sans pain medicine, this would be a less painful surgery. However, since I had that lovely 3 day pain killer last time, it got me through these first few days of death. This time I got nothing.

Death, I tell you.

How do people on TV do this? And do it multiple times! My sister said they get better meds and servants. Must be it. Cause I’m hurting. Did I mention that?

I thought they’d be bigger. So I’m a tad sad about that. But I heavily emphasized that I didn’t want to go above a DD so they kept to that. They’re still more than a handful and they were much less than a handful before. The implants are 650ccs each. I’ve got to keep them iced for the first 48 hours, so that’s been fun. There’s also long incisions along my bra line where he cut off extra skin. Well, go figure — the compression bra falls RIGHT THERE.

So K2, a saint, went to the store and brought me 6 pints of my favorite ice cream and pads. Not just any pads, I asked for the super cheap thickest pads she could find. I now have those shoved under my bra and I think it helps a little. K2, you my girl.

I certainly didn’t expect this much pain or uselessness from this surgery. The other surgery (full tummy tuck with muscle repair plus arm lift) went so much easier! I almost didn’t even rent the recliner for this one. It’s just a boob job right? Holy fuck. I was allowed to shower today but I’m in too much pain so we’ll save that for tomorrow or later.

Fuck me. This hurts. But the tummy tuck scar revision doesn’t hurt at all. He fixed the dog ears on the side and took out some mons skin and im hoping that big chunk of scar tissue that was there from a popped stitch. At least the pain meds are working on that — cause they sure as fuck aint working on the boobs.

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