Day 3 Post-Op

I have turned the corner. Yesterday, I started to feel less like fiery hell fire. I know “fiery fire” is redundant, but it is totally applicable in this case. Yesterday, I had a shower and got to see my new boobs. I think I got a good high off of how excited I was so that helped too. K came over with some Firehouse subs that were fucking delicious. And we watched a surprisingly entertaining show call “Is it Cake?” Man, K and K2 are the BEST. I love yall.

Of course, by 8:00pm I was exhausted. I tucked in early but couldn’t sleep to save my life. The hell fire was better, but I still felt like I had the shit beat out of me. Have you ever been in a accident where you got bruised all over? It felt like that. Just like a general “ow.”

I’ve decided that Experel shot was the difference in the surgeries. It gets you past the first three days of absolute hell and then wears off around the turn around point. K is gonna get her boobs reduced and we’re gonna make sure she gets that damn shot. We gonna get her a lift recliner and gonna request that shit specifically by name.

OK Ok Ok, Jack has been rearing to get in my lap while I type this so im gonna let him in. He’s been my recovery partner. I keep a pillow in my lap so he doesn’t sit on my incisions or drains. He just sleeps there and looks cute. I love him.

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