New Boobs Hurt

So yesterday I unlocked a new pain level. I think that at 11 days post op, perhaps some of the dissoluble stitches are giving up the ghost. Maybe? Until yesterday, I felt like I was wearing a tight underwire bra that I’d worked out in and had been wearing for days and it was eating into my skin. I attribute this to the fact that he sewed the breast pocket down to my ribs. For some reason yesterday (or actually the day before) it changed to more of a general, “no it all hurts” now. But less of the wire feeling. I’m just really sore. Like I’ve been severely beat up. Which, I have.

I have a TON of side boob. Which is all swelling due to having my actual side boob removed. So when my arms just hang, they’re pressing on it. It’s like wearing a puffy snow suit of pain. And that sucks. Also when I take a deep breath, it sucks. Not air, but pain. I feel like this is a good thing though — going from a specific point of pain to an overall pain. Like a bruise mellowing out and becoming larger as it dissipates.

I’m insanely swollen in the hips and side boobs. I look like a little fertility goddess figurine. Not in a flattering way.

However, thanks to my nifty blog here, I know that my swelling didn’t start to go down until two and a half weeks post op last time. So that’s par. My drain output increased about 3 days ago by a ton. So not expecting those out any time soon.

I’m basically just parked in the rented recliner (with cat) riding this out. Half of the steristrips on my tummy tuck incisions came off and revealed scabs. I freaked out at first, fearing they would become new openings. However, they’ve stayed just scabs. I’m trying my damnedest to not touch any of the tape around my torso (or, god forbid, nipples). Heal incisions, heal. Don’t have openings. Just heal up nicely.

So that’s where I am. Sore boobs. Gonna make some of that creamsicle jello though. I want something fruity.

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