What the fucking fuck?

Yall. This post on NextDoor is sharing a bad review. So to do it, they took a photograph of their computer screen displaying the post and posted that photo. Oh I’m serious:

Yall. How does this even occur to someone? They had to use two different devices to make this happen. They didn’t even get the whole post in the picture. My head hurts. I get maybe a screenshot is advanced but there are options. You could even just copy and paste the text. WTF?

And there are 11 comments and no one is asking about this fuckery. I’m lost.

A Facebook Post Derailed

I had my thyroid tested on Monday — it happens all the time. Any change and my thyroid goes whacko. I got the results today — all good! However there was more.

“You have tons of antibodies!” WTF, I didn’t know we were testing anything else. I mean, yay, but WTF? Is everyone testing people for antibodies now or just my doc (who I adore, BTW)?

They never asked me if I had the vaccine before the blood draw. Only after it showed antibodies.

I wonder if we’re testing to see how much of the population has antibodies? That’d be nice. It’d be nice of Alabama did ANYTHING with all these damn antivaxxers taking horse dewormer. Don’t trust the vaccine, but trust the horse dewormer because the internet is smarter than your doctor.

I get so angry reading anything about vaccines. I look at comment threads and become enraged. This shit killed mom. I don’t give a fuck who else it killed, it killed MOM. Take the god damn shot. You eat hotdogs and god knows what without giving a crap about what you’re putting in your body — including COW MEDICINE — but not, not the vaccine! *gasp*

I’ve said it many a time. I hate people.

But it has a 98% survival rate! OK, bitch that’s 1 in 50. 50 of you go stand in a room and I’ll randomly murder one of you. Would you go in the room? But I mean 98% chance survival!

If you want to argue with me, save me the trouble and defriend me. Cause I’m just gonna defriend you. Unless we’re related in which case I will heavily judge and maybe just hide you. We can disagree and I can still love you. I can love you and think your a motherfucking dumbass too.


And this is where I realized how much my Facebook post had derailed and deleted it. But yall can enjoy it!