A Good Decision

I want to remember that I’m making a good decision.  There will come times when I think I’ve made a bad one, but it’s a good one.  I need to remember that after over a year on the job, DeBitch still rolls her eyes when I talk and talks about me behind my back.  I need to remember how out of touch my boss is.  I need to remember how toxic my lead was.  And how even though my new lead is my fabulous friend – that our friendship probably can’t survive her being my lead too.  I need to remember that my team thinks I’m lazy (I am, true) and would rather have someone else.  I need to remember the gigantic pay cut I took with this job and how much of a financial loss it was staying underpaid for an entire year.  I need to remember that the friend I stayed for already moved on.  I need to remember companies aint loyal. 

I need to remember that accepting this job is an excellent move. 

Yep.  Yesterday, I formally accepted a new position.  I’ll be back up to my old salary and being Mr C’s sugar momma again. He’s very excited.  I’ll be happier.  I’ll have better boundaries with my new friend.  I’ll have a new start.  I’ll be on a program that actually pertains to my interests.  And I’ll be rid of these toxic bitches I’ve put up with for way too long.  No start date yet.  Gotta get all the paperwork situated just right before that.  But hoping for November 8th.  Hoping to put in my two weeks ASAP.  In fact, I’m about to go pee in a cup because that’s the very last thing I need to do.