Awkward Hello

You know how sometimes you forget to reply to a friends text. Then a few days pass. Then it has been way too long so it would be awkward to reply now? HI! Here’s my awkward reply!

I’ve never had the intention of stopping my blog. I have just been… lazy. Like tired. After work, I want to come home and watch youtube videos mindlessly. I have lots of great ideas for posts, but I can’t write them from work and I just want to rest in the evening. So I haven’t been. Perhaps that can change with me working from home on Mondays and Tuesdays.

There was even an update on the crazy motorcycle debacle. Remember they had caught the driver? Well, he had a fuck ton of warrants. INCLUDING MURDER IN THE SECOND DEGREE. So high quality people here. They let him out on bond.


He was arrested in Kentucky. They don’t give a fuck about the Tennessee warrants. So they let him out on bond. Because someone of that caliber will certainly honor their court date. Obviously. Yeah. I’m told that some police departments just don’t want to deal with them so they just let them out and hope they get out of their hair.

No wonder people do this. They’re just robbing everyone and making a killing with $10k a pop dirt bikes and Uhaul vans!

I was honestly so upset when this happened that I couldn’t post about it. SECOND DEGREE MURDER. Caught with a stolen Uhaul van, a stolen dirt bike, and trying to use more stolen credit cards to buy more dirt bikes. Eh, let him out. Not our problem.

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