Blogging… Again?

So this isn’t my first blog.  I have to admit I blogged before.  I liked it.  I’m a talker.  I’ve had two blogs.  One for friends and stuff and another for more… adult purposes.  What, like you’ve never been on the internet and horny?  Don’t judge me. 

Anyway, I have no filter.  And I was always 100% honest on my blog.  Just raw me.  Which was fine.  Until… I got engaged.  Yeah.  In laws.  In laws that would soon be googling this person their brother/son is dating.  Fuck me.  My mother in law goes to mass every single day.  And she gifted me a book on how to be a good Catholic wife and it says that birth control and blowjobs are sins.  Listen, my Christian people split with the Catholics back with Luther in the 1500s.  We allow blowjobs.  I mean it’s not specified.  But we teach that sex is supposed to be a sacred but highly enjoyable part of marriage.  Go forth and fuck.  But the Catholics believe sex is only good if you’re providing a way to become pregnant or something. 

When I went to visit once, his mom saw my pill tray and commented to him aside that I take a lot of pills.  Fuck yeah I take a lot of pills.  I have 3 different antidepressants alone.  I can’t have these people knowing my in depth, raw personality.  They’re too uptight.  So I quit.  

But now moms dead and I need someone to talk to about the shit in my life.  So here we are.  Anonymously this time.   

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