
I don’t have a huge network of friends. And of those I do, I only count a handful as close, dependable, REAL friends. The people you can count on to be there in an emergency. The people who I trust. The people I am equally loyal to. I count loyalty as a prime virtue. I may have a slightly skewed sort of ethics, but I have strong morals and loyalty to your peeps is one of the top tenets. Perhaps I take it too seriously.

Do you really need the type of friendships who would keep your darkest secrets and perhaps help you bury a body? Probably not. But I just don’t have enough emotional capacity to give myself fully to someone only to find I was nothing to them. I like to think I’m a good friend. If I give you my loyalty and love, I like to think it’s worth something. I don’t half ass friendships. I’d rather have 3 good people than a hundred colleagues. Could also be because I generally really hate people.

Again, maybe I just take it too deep. But I keep my friends closer to my heart than family. Blood isn’t always thicker than water. I choose my family. So when I count someone as family and I lose them, it breaks my heart a little. To realize you mean so little to someone… It hurts.

C is one of those people. I realized this a few years ago. I’m only called upon when something is needed. When the sun is shining, I don’t exist to her. It was a hard bite to chew. But I was right. I was there for her, but she could never be there for me. I never even heard from her when my mother died. Though when her cat died, I researched the healing stones bullshit she’s into and sent her a cat carved from a stone meant to heal a broken heart. But when my heart was shattered, I didn’t even get a call.

We had her over on Wednesday. Haven’t seen her since last year. I had hoped maybe she’d notice my hair was thickening. She didn’t, but that doesn’t mean it’s not. I still hold hope. I cut it shorter in a if-you-cut-it, it-will-come kinda thing. I thought she’d comment on my new body after three plastic surgeries. She did not. My sweet husband even tried to steer the conversation that way by mentioning that I had waited to start my tattoo sleeve until my arms were done. Rather than a light bulb and her asking how it went or to look at them or see the scars or ANYTHING, it just led to a conversation about her tattoos. The whole visit was just a life dump from her. She didn’t care about what had been going on with me or Mr C. It was just two hours of her life.

I just can’t give my love to a freaking black hole. She only takes. C’est la vie.

She understood the assignment.

I texted my girl friends and asked for some pads to pad my bra. I have very long incisions along my bra line where he removed my side-boob skin (it was lipoed in the first surgery). So with the bra right on those fresh cuts, it’s a lot. So I asked someone to please dear god bring me some pads. The cheapest fattest pad you can find. My ladies understand what I mean — the pads that feel like a diaper. Here’s what she brought me:

K2 understood the assignment. And yes, that’s my favorite ice cream that they don’t sell at my grocery store. This had to be the most embarrassing checkout ever. That’s love.

Then last night K brought dinner and watched some TV with me. Tomorrow A is gonna bring dinner. I’m feeling so loved and supported by my peeps! Thank you all so so much. I didn’t want Mr C to get overwhelmed and it’s working beautifully. (I didn’t send him for pads because he’d have been LOST in the tampon/pad aisle).

Mr C has been great, of course. Today he ran out to get me some iron tablets. He has to keep refilling my waters because I can’t reach out enough to hit the water button on the fridge or lift enough to pick up the brita. So he keeps coming down and filling my water bottles for me. And he keeps moving things to the lower shelves for me like my protein drinks and stuff. And he washed my hair for me. So I don’t want to in any way imply that Mr C has not stepped up to the plate and batted a home run. He totally has.

I just want to thank my girl friends who aren’t legally bound to me who have been helping me out. It means so much to me. I wanna do a gift of some sort for yall. Because really it’s not just the physical sandwich, it’s that you cared enough to help me out. That’s everything. I love yall.