Review: Just Crack an Egg

I finally got around to trying one of these egg cup things. These “Just Crack an Egg” cups were in the cooler at Publix across from my fake milk. I saw this protein one that didn’t have any potatoes in it so I picked some up.

First: I love that I can mix it all in the cup and not waste a dish. Second, look how loaded with fillings it is! The cup was actually full, not just a misleading size. I used two eggs and it was still well loaded. Pretty sure you could do three eggs with this many mix-ins. I think the one egg suggestion is just to keep the calorie count and macros on the package down. This is way too much extras for just a single egg.

Basically, you scramble the eggs in the cup, stir in the additions and pop in the microwave. Halfway through, you stir it again and in about a minute and a half you have a crust-less quiche! It’s really good too.

The only possible negative is that I wouldn’t eat it straight out of the cup. I like salt and pepper on my eggs and there’s no way to do that in the cup full of eggs. That’s barely a thing though as most other ways to get such good eggs involve mixing bowls and pans and a lot more time. I’ll buy these again.