The Television

I’ve been watching Netflix’s the Sandman. It’s wonderful. So wonderful that I’m trying to watch it as slowly as possible. I watched the first five episode in one binge and have tried to reserve the rest. It’s just too good. I don’t know what it is about it. But I know I’ll be sad when it’s gone. I highly recommend it. Pretty much anything Neil Gaiman does seems to be perfect. Good Omens was magnificent as well.

Mr C and I have been watching Stranger Things too. I suppose I thought it would be too scary to watch. But with all the hype for season 4, I finally broke down. We binged the entire third season yesterday. I enjoy watching things with Mr C. So having a Saturday where we just watched 7 or so hours of television and had sandwiches and a shower was a good Saturday. A good, solid lazy day.

Watch Sandman. It’s awesome.