What would your 13 year old self think if they saw you now?

I saw this question on Reddit and thought, this is a fun thought exercise! Usually, it’s what would you tell your younger self and not the other way around.  

First, 13 year old me would have some issues. 

  • Like why the fuck are you married? You’re gonna “submit” and “rely” on a man? Fuck that. (I’d probably call myself a pussy, but 40-year-old-me has been informed that’s a no-go word now). 
  • Why are you crazy? Suck it up, buttercup. What do you have to be sad about? (13 year old me had a lot of denial and buried trauma).  
  • I’d be disappointed that I was still “fat.” However, I’d also be pleased greatly with my shape. I’m actually at LEAST 50lbs lighter than 13 year old me if not more like 100lbs. Also, I got rid of the belly pudge and installed nice boobs! If I can’t get skinny, at least I get more shapely.  
  • I’d be crazy impressed with my wealth. I live in a nice house, have a pool, and OWN my car! WHAT? *fist bump*
  • Lastly, I’d think my sleeve tattoo was really cool.  

Further down in the Reddit thread, someone commented about telling their younger self to worry less about money and more about happiness.

I’m not sure I would tell young me that.  I literally picked my career in 8th grade in one day.  I looked up the top projected earning careers and picked the one that suits my strengths.  Math and Science. (I went Computer Science).

Do I like it?  Eh.  Do I have lots of money?  Yeah.  

I mean I don’t hate it, but it is in no way a passion. I like the puzzle aspect of coding sometimes. But like, it’s no art or craft job. I just do a fuck ton of paperwork now. I’m damn good at it and someone has to do it.

But like, I grew up below the poverty line and two family bankruptcies before highschool.  I just wanted out.  Sometimes I think I should have aimed for happiness too.  But… I can still do my hobbies on the side so… *shrug*