Update Time!

I’m writing this from work.  Unfortunately, I don’t really have anything to do yet.  A lot of time spent on my phone.  I had to up our plan to unlimited data.  I finally got a computer, but I do not have access to the training sites yet.  I’ve tried to go and get access myself to the point where my boss told me to stand down and be patient and that I was emailing the wrong people.  That made me feel a bit bad, but at least I was trying to be proactive.  With her permission, I tried again today and got shut down again by the same people she’s been dealing with.  Ah government speed. 

Soon I’ll even have a cellphone so the can get in touch with me whenever they want!  YAY!  Well, I’ve managed to avoid a work phone this long.  It was bound to happen eventually.  Tis the cost of my job.  I plan to charge it downstairs in the kitchen so I don’t find myself checking email at odd hours.  The bigger concern with the cellphone is… how to carry two cell phones? 

Women’s pants pockets are already a joke and now I have TWO?  I got out of carrying a purse and wallet by getting a sweet phone case that holds my license and credit card.  So for well over a year, I’ve only had to take my phone places.  Now I don’t know.  Do I go back to carrying an annoying purse everywhere?  I honestly haven’t figured this out yet.  Suggestions welcome.

I’m still glad I went government even if I don’t have anything to do yet.  The people I will be working with seem lovely.  The benefits seem to be awesome.  (Though my thyroid pills just became crazy expensive for freaking generic thyroid medication.)  I’m on site everyday even though I have NOTHING to do.  Maybe that’s a reason for being on site.  Like we’re paying you – at least be here.  So OK, that’s fair. 

One of my engineering certifications expires next month.  I got permission to work on the renewal at work.  Which is awesome, because it’s going to be at least 10 hours.  However, my boss recommended I wait until I can access the training system.  Her reason is that if I pay for it, they will not reimburse me.  But if I request it through the system, they might pay for it themselves.  That’s a couple of hundred dollars so worth waiting to see.  It will also count towards my continuing education in the system if I wait. 

On another note, everyone keeps trying to give me cats.  Stop it.  They’re not trying to do it FOR me, they’re just trying to get rid of cats.  Even my sister asked me to adopt her two cats.  Yesterday a coworker tried to get me to take his cat since my friend that he’s marrying doesn’t like cats.  There have also been at least two other earnest people begging me to take their cats.

I get it.  I’m a great cat owner and I am lacking a cat.  I admit that I am a cat lady.  I will get another cat, I assure you.  However, I do not want just any cat.  I don’t want a cute corner decoration.  I want a snuggly cat.  I am a needy person who wants a very needy cat.  Jack was my fuzzy soulmate.  He never let me leave his sight.  I want a cat that likes attention.  I want to play with the cat and love on the cat and cuddle it all night.  I figure my best bet is to reach out to foster organizations to see if anyone has a cat like that needing a home.  A lot of people wouldn’t want a needy cat.  But I’m also just not sure I’m ready.  Not having the chores is nice – but also, I just miss Jack so much.  I haven’t got to where I want “a cat” – I want Jack.  Just Jack.  I want my Jack back.  And no cat can come close to competing with him.

Oh and next week we’re gonna work on my tattoo sleeve some more!  He’s getting a body and his bowtie next Friday!

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