Sneaky bastards.

You know those speeding radar signs? The ones that flash how fast you’re going at you? Sometimes the flash red if you’re going over the speed limit. Well, there’s a new one on our road. And the sneaky bastards put police lights on it. That’s right. If you speed past it, it flashes blue police lights like you’re being pulled over. Gives you a heart attack right there. Crafty devils! (The speed limit is normally 45 but they have it lowered to 35 with the flashy sign because of “construction.”)

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0 thoughts on “Sneaky bastards.

  • says:

    It got me twice. The first time was at night in a line of cars and I didn’t see what it was. Then it got me AGAIN before I realized it was a stupid trick. They’re cunning bastards. I give them that.

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