Back to the Grind

I returned to work today. Well, work from home. Even then I couldn’t actually get back on the VPN until about 2:00, so not much of a work day. And yet I’m stressed.

I mentioned my boss quit. My new temporary boss is his boss. He called me to see if I was online. I wasn’t because my account was shut down while I was on leave. We have a meeting tomorrow to discuss what I’m working on. He also wants weekly status reports. UGH. This feels like a new job. Sure, I started in November. But when I started in November, this was all just temporary because I was gonna be out in December. So I didn’t really have to do anything. Now I have to work. Actual work, not just onboarding and training and paperwork.

I’m terrified I won’t cut it. I have no idea what I’ll be doing or what is expected of me. I’m freaking out.

So yeah. It might also be because my surgical drains hurt and belly button hurts and I started my period today. But still — freaking out.

I’m going to bed early.

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