Some Things 1/05

1) Per Request, I’ve tried to get an email subscription set up for the blog.  On the side bar is a place you can enter your email to get notifications of new posts.  Test it out and let me know if it works.  Or not, I won’t be insulted.  It should send my new posts to your email box so you don’t have to bother visiting the site to see if I’ve posted. 

2) I added two pages to the menu at the top.  A contact form so people can bitch at me, and an about me page.  But what the fuck do I put on my about me page?  Suggestions?  Is a picture of my cat allowed?  I don’t want my name associated with this site, but once you find this site, you’d know it was me pretty easily so is showing my cat a problem?  Hell, is showing me a problem?  Opinions?

3) My precious got a heated cat bed and a third kidney food to try today.  I was disappointed in the cat bed at first but then I woke up from a nap on the couch and he was in it.  So success!  If it’s super successful, maybe ill clean off my night stand and put one there.  Don’t tell Mr C. 

4) I just mangled the spelling of successful so badly that Microsoft word was like “I got nothing” when It tried to help.  Fuck you, you knew what I was trying to say.

5) K, is knitting my cat a little blanket for his new bed! How SWEET! Like you know someones your friend when you’re upset and they decide to knit your cat a blanket. Thats fucking awesome.

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