My Thrilling Life

Just so yall understand my life when I get home. I’m lazy. I just wanna sit on the couch and watch youtube. Youtube is because I’m too lazy to commit to a show or movie. Right now, it’s not playing cause any minute I’m gonna get up to go pee and get a yogurt. I’ve been about to get up to go pee and get a yogurt for over half an hour at least. Probably close to an hour if we’re honest. And I’m just sitting here scrolling going ‘”holy shit, is that TOUCAN?”

Do I like toucans, or care about them, or need a toucan ornament? Nope. But apparently some part of my brain cares. Maybe I don’t see toucans a lot or something.

And now that I’m posting this — why does that ornament say 2023? It’s not 2023! What the fuck? Now I gotta go click the damn ad I just screenshot so I can read the fine print on it.

Just a second…

Oh. Ok. It’s an ad for you to buy their yearly membership to get exclusive ornaments. So you’re buying next year which is 2023.

I can go pee now. And get that yogurt.

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