Anatomy of our emergency bags.

It’s tornado season! Time to check your supplies. Check the charges in your batteries. Make sure the food in your shelter isn’t expired. I got out our battery packs to charge them this weekend. I usually add something every year for the shelter or our bags. So I thought I’d show you our bags.

I like to be prepared. For anything. I think it’s important. And if you can afford it, do it. We have a stocked tornado shelter. Part of the tornado shelter stock is broken out into our emergency packs that live in our cars. The idea is that you grab your pack on the way to the shelter. This allows the bags to serve multiple purposes:

  • Tornado blew the house down
  • Roadside emergencies
  • Urban catastrophes
  • Stranded in butt-fuck-nowhere emergencies
  • Fuck-I-have-to-fend-for-myself-in-the-woods emergencies (unlikely to happen)

I started with two Yukon Outfitters mid-range emergency kits (Amazon Link). I paid a pretty penny but had them on special. I’m sure they’ve upgraded their kits by now and you can find a similar pack. One thing I love about this kit is the Alpha Pack. I actually like this backpack so much that I bought it in silver to use as a overnight bag (Amazon Link). First thing you’ll note, the bags are marked. Mine has a ribbon and name tag so I know which is which. That’s because some contents depend on the individual (hello, spare clothes). Over the years, I’ve added various things as I’ve realized they’d be handy.

Let’s get started. The Yukon bags prepared us for the probably-not-gonna-happen case of surviving in the woods. Here’s a handy rundown of the contents (And a few things I added to supplement):

  • Backpack with many pockets (Gotta carry your shit).
  • 5 Liter Foldable Water Container (You need water for survival).
  • I added some water purification tablets to the pack too. Clean water is even better for survival.
  • Stainless Steel Water Bottle (Steel is important. This is so you can throw that puppy in the fire for cooking or boiling water. Take off the plastic top first).
  • Rainfly – it’s basically a tent cover or a big tarp for your hammock, or just keeping your sad ass out of the rain or sun. It’s fancier than a tarp though because it has high visibility lines (so people can find your sad ass), anchors, rope to hang it, and a fancy carrying bag.
  • Mosquito Hammock. My ass isn’t sleeping on the ground. Fuck that. Fuck bugs too.
  • I added Hammock Tree Straps to hang the fucking hammock. Why wasn’t this included in the kit? What are you gonna do with your hammock and no tree straps? Think ahead, people.
  • LED Flashlight/Lantern. Fancy little flashlight. Don’t forget to add batteries and store them separately so they don’t erode!
  • Locking/Folding Knife. Of course you need a sharp pointy thing. This is a simple 7 inch hunting knife.
  • 100 feet of Paracord. I don’t know what this is for… yet… But rope is handy for anything.
  • Emergency Medical Kit. This contains a LOT. It’s got all the basic fancy medical kit coverage plus a SAVE-MY-ASS-OVER-HERE whistle, sewing kit, basic fishing kit, a spork (who doesn’t love a spork?), fire starter tool, poncho, and emergency blanket. All in one bright ass orange kit. Oh and it has a notepad and pencil. I guess so you can write sad poetry.
  • NOTE: I added everything else from here on out: Like matches. Yeah, I have a fire starter, but hey — matches are better.
  • Firesticks because we have time to prepare in advance, lets make this fire starting easy.
  • Food. I have some just-add-water mashed potatoes and beef jerky. The mashed potatoes aren’t keto but I made these before I was keto. Also if I’m dying in the woods, I’m having carbs.
  • A fleece blanket that zips into a sleeping bag. I wanna be comfy. Also this can be used for spontaneous picnics and festivals where you don’t want to sit on the ground! Blanket in the car.
  • Two fire blankets. They can be useful.

So okay. We’re not likely to be stuck in the woods. But what about road side emergencies? Well…

  • HALO BOLT. (Amazon link). Why don’t you own one of these? Everyone should have this thing. It’s just a big battery pack — that can also jump start your car. I’ve used it twice already on other peoples cars. Also, can charge your phone. Even has a freaking A/C plug on it if you just wanna plug in a lamp. If you drive a car, this should be in it. Period. Makes jump starting so easy and a one-person job. No second engine needed. No creepy strangers to help you needed. GET ONE. Check it twice a year to make sure it’s charged.
  • I put a phone charger in with the Halo Bolt because if I’m stuck some where, I want a charged phone. NOTE: Keep up with current technology. We got new phones last year and I had to get new chargers to put with the bolts. Didn’t even realize until I got them out to verify the charge this week.
  • I bought a nice bag for the Halo Bolt because the one it comes with sucks. I bought this one: Amazon Link. Perfect fit.
  • Safety Beacon. This is basically a really big road flare. It’s bright as fuck. Multiple modes and it’s magnetic to slap on the side of your car. Don’t forget to, again, add batteries but store them separate so they don’t erode. (Mr C, your pack doesn’t have this. Sorry, it was a present I got.)
  • NOTE: You already have the flashlight from above.
  • This weekend I added a roll of duct tape. DUH, why didn’t I have that?

Okay. So what about other emergencies? Once I wrecked my car and had no spare clothes for days because I didn’t plan on being there for days. Once all the power in half the state went out – for three days. You think anyone was taking credit cards? Nope.

  • Spare clothes. Underwear, socks, long sleeved tshirt.
  • Cash in small bills. Plus some quarters in case you need air in your tires. (I actually have a mini air pump for tires in my car, but Mr C doesn’t). Pro Tip: When the powers out, restaurants gotta get rid of their shit. The italian place with a wood fire oven was selling anything for $5. But you had to have cash and exact change.
  • Antibacterial hand gel and wipes.
  • A travel toiletry kit. Includes: Shampoo, conditioner, comb, soap, tooth brush, tooth paste, deodorant and floss. I started with this one (Amazon link) and added a razor and face wipes.

Maybe you can start your own emergency packs. What would you include? I add something new every year. This year was new phone chargers, toiletry kits, and duct tape. Next year might be getting a bigger bag! Maybe switch to a slightly larger duffel…