To post or not to post

Facebook religious conservatives who think the world is out to get them:

“I can’t believe that Facebook took down my Dr. Suess quote that was filled with nothing but love! Do we live in Russia?”


“I’m so glad I live on God’s Kingdom!”

A few more comments on the post:

“This is getting REAL SCARY”

“This is the devil working among us! Scary, for sure!”

My over reacting response which is probably why Uncle Douche says I’m the most toxic person he’s ever met:

“Facebook’s algorithm took it down. You shared a picture that your brain processes as a quote. Somewhere in the huge Facebook world some asshole saw that picture and thought they’d be cute and report it as offensive. So now anyone who shares that picture will have it deleted automatically because some internet troll.

We don’t live in Russia.

Satan is not coming for Dr Seuss.

We live in a society of technology. Technology that relies on algorithms. There’s no one at Facebook who saw it as offensive. It’s just a bunch of internet trolls being assholes”

Listen, it might surprise you to know I’m a Christian.  I am.  But for fuck’s sake, stop being morons.  You’re making us look bad.  It’s not always Satan.

Also Uncle Douche probably just thinks I’m toxic because I don’t like Trump, or stealing software, I want a Covid Vaccine, I support mask wearing, and I’m pretty sure the Earth is round.  SCIENCE IS AMAZING.

See.  Last night I had convinced myself to get back into posting on Facebook more because it’s really the only platform I have to keep in touch with some people.  And I know everyones getting away from it – but honestly, the friends I’ve had who quit facebook, just dropped out of our lives.  They don’t make the effort to text or email or call and they live in another state – facebook was how we knew what was going on with each other.  Same with distant family.  

But then people go and post shit like this and it makes me go “This is why I started the god damn blog.”  I can’t express myself on facebook.