Errands! Let’s fill up the car!

Today, I acquired the things. I did many errands. I took off work early to go to the Psychiatrist. Then, Garvins was on that side of town so I stopped in for Hay. Then Home Depot… Then Publix to drop off my prescription refills. Listen, it was a lot. So then I napped and went to pick up the refills.

I’m working on my compost bins. I’m 90% done with Phase 1 (Yes, I will be posting). Phase 1 is just getting all the sides up. They are up, but the back three panels don’t have their metal mesh attached. So I went ahead and got stuff for Phase 2 and a bale of hay to get my compost started (hay is “browns”). Phase 2 will be the fronts. Then Phase 3 will be the Lid. So Qubie was loaded up.

Side note: Garvin’s Feed and Seed had a black cat in the store that was a sweetheart! She came up to me for attention while I was looking around. She demanded pets. She even let me pick her up and I explored all of the store carrying her around and petting her while she purred. I only put her down when it was time to check out.

Hopefully nothing is living in that bale of hay cause it’s living in my car now.

Then on to Home Depot. I got a circular saw! Yes, I’m just gonna start buying tools so I can stop begging everyone for their tools. I will slowly build up a tool collection. The one with a storage bag was $40 more. So I didn’t get that one. But a toolbox that would fit it was $50. So Sterilite steps up to the plate! Look at this shit! And since it’s clear, I can tape the front of the sales box to it and it will be so clear what’s in there. I’m so smart. S-M-R-T.

Time to go home? Nay. We have to drop off our refills from the doctor cause Mrs C needs her crazy pills. Perimenopause is kicking my ass so hard so I need them more than ever. So to Publix!

Shit, I guess this goes in the front now. Qubie is carrying her weight.

Lastly, I leave you with this. Check out these fungus things growing outside of my psychiatrists office. I bet some of you would eat this shit. Nasty. BLUE CHEESE IS LITERALLY JUST MOLDY CHEESE.