Your pet is not your “baby”

OK yall, we gotta stop with this calling your pet your baby shit. I know im gonna get a ton of flack for this because literally everyone I know calls their pets their babies. Hey, my dad calls his dog my sister. He likes the dog better though, and thats why he’s a bastard.

I know, your pet is your family. You might even, like my father, openly admit you like the pet better than your children. It happens. I don’t want a kid. Have yall met my precious J? He’s my soul creature, my witchy familiar, maybe even my soul mate, but he’s not my baby. He’s a piece of me and will ALWAYS be a piece of me. He’s a splinter of my soul in cat form. I get it.

But I just got a paragraph into a Facebook post about a friend of a friends baby dying and was terribly upset for everyone involved, only to realize, like two paragraphs in, that it was a dog. THERE IS A DIFFERENCE. I thought you were mourning a human child who had been in an auto accident that another human driver was going to have on his conscious for the rest of his life. I repeat: THERE IS A DIFFERENCE.

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0 thoughts on “Your pet is not your “baby”

  • A coworker (who should have known better) once insisted to me and my sister that pets are the same as children and that losing a pet was just as terrible as losing a child. We assured him it was not. After several minutes of back and forth, he asked how we were so sure.

    That’s when my sister told him that she has had pets pass and also reminded him that her son passed away at 13. She assured him that they don’t even compare.

    That shut him up.

    • says:

      Girl, I KNOW! The facebook post was like ” I’m so saddened to hear that candy and chad lost their baby in a car accident today” — WHAT? Oh wait, it’s a dog.

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