Oh my god. Yall. Yall. I can’t. I fucking CAN’T WITH THIS.

We had our gutters cleaned Thursday (four days ago). Today, I found out that they disconnected the automatic watering system to the pumpkins. They hooked it back up (hence, I didn’t notice) but neglected to turn the water back on.

Now, I don’t expect you to know how I have my water hooked up or why. But I do expect you to tell me when you fuck with it. WHY WOULD YOU NOT?

And you may ask yourself, why didn’t I notice they weren’t getting watered? Well, they droop dramatically between waterings (every 6 hours) every day because it’s in the 90s every day. They pop back up at the next watering, so I’m used to ignoring the wilt. Also, I have been fighting squash bugs with all my life this summer. Just last week I saw MORE EGGS on a leaf. So yeah, I did notice they looked bad. I put out a whole bottle of Seven and a whole can of Raid this weekend.

I also ordered some worm castings concentrate from Amazon to try to perk them up. Today, I decided to turn on the automatic waterer which would fill the gallon jugs and I could just drop the concentrate in each jug.

So I switch the waterer to manual and it kicks on (the water left in the hose) and immediately off. I fuck with it for a while. Try a few more times. Nothing. It’s hooked up! I unscrew it… no water. There’s no water coming through the hose. So I go to the spigot on the house — it’s turned off.

Why would it be turned off? This hose goes under the pumpkins, you can’t use it. Oh. Oh. They must have disconnected it and used another hose and then reconnected mine but didn’t turn the water back on.

That explains the rotting baby pumpkin I lost yesterday (I tend them daily). That explains…

All of this.

Those motherfuckers killed my pumpkin patch. Will the rest of the growing pumpkins die as well? Will any of the vines bounce back after four days in scorching heat and full sun without a drop of water?


I don’t even WANT to begin to add up how much money I have poured into this pumpkin patch. The set up of buying everything, all the dirt, all the squash bug treatments, all the fertilizers, the compost, the mulch, the DAILY tending.



I had a terrible day at work and now you’ve destroyed months of work. Months of a new hobby to try and bring some joy to my life AND THEY KILLED IT.

I’m going to go die now.