Oh my god! I just took a shower so I got my first look at my new breast implants! They’re so good! I’ve only seen them in the bra with all the padding and they look about the same as usual — maybe slightly bigger than when I wore them with padded bras before. But yall, they’re not. They’re real boobs. On my chest. And I’m really swollen again in the hips so I basically look like a badly drawn sexy character.

I’m so excited I want to send nude pictures to all my girl friends but I’m resisting. When I get the drains out I can take pictures in the two piece bathing suit I took before shots it. The difference is HUGE. I love them.

Two Days Post-Op

So I had my breast lift and augmentation two days ago. It’s rough. It’s been real rough. I think the day of, coming home — might well have been the most pain I’ve ever been in. I hurt. I hurt a lot.

After much thought, I think that Experel shot made all the difference. That’s why so many people post about the arms being their worst surgery and I was able to breeze through. I had the Experel because they were doing my tummy too. Well, no shot for just boobs. So, I’m guessing that sans pain medicine, this would be a less painful surgery. However, since I had that lovely 3 day pain killer last time, it got me through these first few days of death. This time I got nothing.

Death, I tell you.

How do people on TV do this? And do it multiple times! My sister said they get better meds and servants. Must be it. Cause I’m hurting. Did I mention that?

I thought they’d be bigger. So I’m a tad sad about that. But I heavily emphasized that I didn’t want to go above a DD so they kept to that. They’re still more than a handful and they were much less than a handful before. The implants are 650ccs each. I’ve got to keep them iced for the first 48 hours, so that’s been fun. There’s also long incisions along my bra line where he cut off extra skin. Well, go figure — the compression bra falls RIGHT THERE.

So K2, a saint, went to the store and brought me 6 pints of my favorite ice cream and pads. Not just any pads, I asked for the super cheap thickest pads she could find. I now have those shoved under my bra and I think it helps a little. K2, you my girl.

I certainly didn’t expect this much pain or uselessness from this surgery. The other surgery (full tummy tuck with muscle repair plus arm lift) went so much easier! I almost didn’t even rent the recliner for this one. It’s just a boob job right? Holy fuck. I was allowed to shower today but I’m in too much pain so we’ll save that for tomorrow or later.

Fuck me. This hurts. But the tummy tuck scar revision doesn’t hurt at all. He fixed the dog ears on the side and took out some mons skin and im hoping that big chunk of scar tissue that was there from a popped stitch. At least the pain meds are working on that — cause they sure as fuck aint working on the boobs.

Day of Surgery Number 2

So it’s 5:30 in the AM. I’ve already downed 40 ounces of recovery drinks per instructions. I’m about to hop in the shower and get ready for plastic surgery round 2! Breast lift and augmentation, removing extra skin around the sides on the bra line, and a tummy tuck scar revision (where he hopefully takes more skin).

I’m not worried about the breasts. I really want to talk to him before surgery about the revision. There’s a good chunk of scar tissue where that stitch popped and I had an opening that I want him to cut out. Also, I want him to take a lot more skin from my mons area. And of course I’m worried something bad could happen. Fucking Ides of March.

I’m also worried about my sweet Mr C getting overwhelmed taking care of me. I hope I’ll be able to take care of myself a good bit. I feel pretty good though. It’s not an over-nighter. The lift recliner was delivered yesterday. I’ve got two weeks off work for recovery. And I’m gonna look great in a bathing suit!

Some Things 2/19

1) Chicken bologna has 4 carbs per slice. Beef bologna has less than 1 carb per slice. What the fuck are they putting in that chicken bologna?

2) Jack had his vet visit for vaccinations and kidney check up on Friday. They took him back to get blood and returned with one tech holding him and another scrunching his neck while he growled like a feral. “I’ll take that. Sorry.” LOL Then they found a heart murmur. Booo. So they wanted to get a blood pressure. The vet wanted them to take him back and the poor tech was like, can we do it in here? He’s calm with his mother. Again, sorry yall. So I held him while they did everything else. His blood pressure was fine. His kidney levels are, as expected, still stage 3 failure but have improved by like .01. And he hasn’t lost any weight. So good on that front!

Unfortunately she said cats don’t usually show signs of heart trouble. And the sign of a heart murmur is usually just finding them suddenly dead. Well, can’t fault them for holding back. So thats nice. Now he has kidney failure and a heart problem. Nothing to be done for the heart problem since his blood pressure was fine. Oh and they are transitioning him from the kidney pills to a power you mix in his food. Nice! He still has the liquid to take, but now we dont have to wrestle with pills twice a day. Which will be great when I’m recovering from surgery…

3) I had my pre-op on Friday! Breasts are paid for and scheduled for march 15th. I’m having the side and back fat removed and a lift with implants. They’re also gonna do a revision to my tummy tuck to get more skin now that my swelling has gone down so much. Yay! I’m more excited since I got to REALLY sit down and talk about size with the nurse. They’re gonna order multiple implants (high profile, smooth silicone gummy implants). I’m asking to be around a DD but not bigger as I don’t want shopping for bras to be difficult. She assured me they’ll try different sizes and the whole team of nurses and the professional plastic surgeon will all weigh in on what looks best. So I feel more relaxed about it.

She also gave me one of their bras (you have to buy your own but they had a few) to show me what to get. I thought my current zip fronts were fine but they’re not because they’re flattering and push your boobs together. Apparently we don’t want that. We want the implants exactly where the doctor put them. So the bra she gave me has absolutely no support. Why ever wear it? So I ordered two more of them so I’ll have 3 total.

I’m gonna have drain(s?) again. UGH.

4) Jack wasn’t the only one getting vaccinations Friday. I got my Covid booster shot. Woot!

I have bad news, but wait! Good news too.

I saw the plastic surgeon on Monday about doing my breasts in March. He thought breasts could be done for sure, but he also wants to do a scar revision on my stomach. Not because the scar is bad, but because there’s more skin he can get and tighten even more now that my swellings down. Nice. I also asked about getting all the side-boob fat. You know, the fat that you shove in your bra cause your boobs are more like a blob than a perky magazine chick in reality. He said he could totally get that, but there’d be a scar. OK. Have you seen me? I’m up to, like, 4 feet of scarring at this point.

I also asked him about the overhang on my elbows. He tried to address it with lipo, but it’s not a fat problem, it’s a skin problem. The skin from my shoulder to my elbow is just too long after losing weight. He was hesitant about that one. He said he’d consult with his peer and see what he thought. So they took lots of pictures. But the good news was — he said he wanted my last drain out this week! It was still draining too much but he said he didn’t care, he wanted it out this week. It’s only been 2 and a half fucking months. THANK GOD.

LIARS! Fucking Liars! We made an appointment for Friday to pull that last god damned drain. I went in and did it get pulled? No, it did not. Because for some reason, on Wednesday it decided to start shooting up in drainage. It was 80ml on Thursday. Yeah… Not the 15 they want or even the 40 it was when they pulled the other. So the nurse went to talk to the surgeon and he said nope, give it the weekend and call them on Monday with an update. Because at those levels, they’d need to aspirate fluid every other day and every time they do that you risk infection. FUCK.

Yall, I am not exaggerating that I left that office utterly defeated. I wanted to get a krispy kreme donut and cry and spend the day in bed. For real real. I settled for going to the store and buying ALL the keto snacks and working my damn job while eating chocolate.

But wait! In my extreme darkness, I forgot to ask the scheduler about the breast surgery. They never got back to me after Monday. She’s been holding March 15th for me. He’s booking in May right now, so if I can’t do March I have to wait till Fall. That’s because May is not enough time to heal before my pool opens. Well, they just hadn’t got back to me yet — but he’s totally cool with it. Boobs, side boob, and arm and stomach touch ups — all a go for March 15th. I even have my preop appointment scheduled for this Friday. Woot.

It’s definitely a woot. And I know I want my breasts done. However, this surgery I’m much much more anxious about than the last. First, with the revisions, how bad is the recovery going to be? I know breasts are an “easy” recovery, but he’s doing more to my arms and stomach too. Also, my arm scars aren’t that great. So hows this new scar in a whole new place on my arm gonna look? Is it worth it? I think it is but you never know because hind sight is 20/20 and foresight is fucking blind.

Also size. I’ve been sticking to a D or double D. I want to be big but not hard to shop for bras big. Is that too big? Mr C pushed for me to clarify DD because he wants me to go as big as I’m comfortable going. I’m fine with some DDs, but some peoples DDs are way bigger than others. How do I know whats in this guys head when I say DD? I dont want boobs so big that you can’t see my new flat stomach…

I’m scared. And I still have a fucking drain in. UGH.

Plastic Surgery?

So I’m (maybe?) starting a plastic surgery journey! This is my first post. Notice the new category 🙂

So I’ve wanted plastic surgery for a long time. I’ve been fat all my life. I was almost 400lbs when I went to college. I had gastric bypass surgery in 2005 and wanted surgery to remove excess skin then, but had no way to afford it. Over the years I gained most of the weight back — up to 320lbs. Then, 3 years ago, I went keto and lost most of it again. I’m currently a happy 234 (hoping to get back down to 220). I fit in a womens XL which is easy to find and buy anywhere and I’m a little smaller than when I met Mr C. So win! I know I’m still medically considered obese, but im a good obese. And compared to 400 — I’ll take it!

So I still want skin surgery. My arms are a disaster and my stomach is a lumpy mess.

It’s been stated that I would have this surgery but a time frame was never put on it. One of my friends even jokes about the cake we’re going to have at my boob coming out party! And I joke all the time about “when I get my boobs.” Recently, I was asked what I’m waiting for by my husband. And well, I didn’t know it was an option. We’re so focused on saving money and, well, saving money — that it didn’t occur to me I could do it before we met a few more goals. Then bro-in-law also asked what I was waiting for. So… I booked a consultation.

I asked for recommendations on some weight loss forums and reddit. The main guy everyone recommended only does people below 185lbs. Well, that’s not happening. Sure I could work my ass off (literally) to get to that, but what’s the point if I can’t maintain that weight? I want to look good at this weight.

So Mr C and I are seeing our second choice surgeon in August! I know that sounds so far away, but I wouldn’t have the surgery while the pools open anyway. I wouldn’t be able to maintain the pool, one. And two, I wouldn’t be able to use the pool. Also, this lines up with the job switch coming up in October — so maybe this is Gods timing working out for me!

I want to have 3 surgeries (hopefully combining at least two): Arms, stomach, boobs. My stomach and my arms bother me the most, by far. But I’m not sure they can combine those two. I suspect the way we will go is a “mommy makeover” first – which is torso (stomach and boobs) followed by a separate arm surgery. Not sure they can do all three at once. Highly doubtful.

I showed Mr C the before and after shots on the surgeons page and we were both blown away. So I’m super excited. And it feels really good to have something on the horizon that I’m super excited about too. So many possibilities! Finally getting that 3/4 sleeve tattoo! Our 10 year anniversary pictures in my old wedding dress, adjusted for a much smaller me with bigger boobs! All the fantastic sleeveless 50s dresses! I’m very excited.