Seed Nerds AKA is a SCAM: A Review

Putting this out there for all the fellow gardeners. is a scam. They present as a legit company based in California. They fooled me. I made purchase and was notified that I had made an international transaction on my credit card. This is the only indication I had that they were not CONUS.

I called the number to cancel my order. Fake number. I googled the address. Real address — I did street view — it’s a shipping warehouse.

Yeah, that is not an image of a “50-acre farm […which also…] partner[s] with local beekeepers to set up honeybee hives and with free-range chicken farmers to provide help with pest control and composting.”

I sent three emails to cancel the order. They just stonewall and ask for more information. After a few weeks, I get a shipping notice. So I wait for my seeds so I can return them. After all, they have a return policy:

I just need to email them and they’ll send me a shipping label. False. One, they informed me they moved their warehouse to china so I will have to pay to return them. OK, bitches, give me the address. Now I’ve sent six emails with continuous stalls and asking for more information and pictures. Pictures like this of seed packs with NO LABELS EVEN:

When I googled them back in early march, I didn’t find a lot of negative information. Now there is tons:

So throw this hat in the ring. Seed Nerds or with this contact information:

Business Address: 11010 Juniper Ave, Fontana, CA 92337, USA


Phone: (716) 217-9642

Please call us from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday, Pacific Standard Time


***********Update on my Lemongrass************

So out of the THREE packs of seeds I’ve ordered from people — ONE is doing well. The plants came up quickly but do not seem to be growing much — unlike the first set of fake lemon grass that shot up like… well, regular old grass. The third contender hasn’t sprouted a single plant. And obviously, I can’t even plant this chinese shit.

I fear I will not have nearly as many plants as I had hoped.

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0 thoughts on “Seed Nerds AKA is a SCAM: A Review

  • Tracey Tilson says:

    I got the SAME crap from this so-called “company”. Their website fooled me! It looks very professional. But after weeks, my seeds finally arrived and I was stunned by the poor packaging! All the seeds are in little hand-numbered bags and you have to refer to your half-assed packing list to even know what’s in each bag. There are no other identifiers AND no planting instructions.
    I’m attempting to send them all back for a full refund. Wish me luck!

    • says:

      Good Luck! I ended up getting back half the cost of the seeds — not including tax and shipping. So, not much. I did NOT plant some weird unlabeled seeds from another country! I had to reorder everything from another site.

      It took over a moth and at LEAST a dozen emails. I sent them pictures of the packaging, the seeds, and their own return policy that they don’t follow.

      It’s just a scam website. I stopped using Google Pay over this whole thing. Had I paid with my Visa directly, I would have been able to call and get my money back for fraud. But since I used Google Pay, I couldn’t — even though it was the same damn card. Not worth the convenience of filling in the form for me. I manually closed my Google Pay accounts. VISA offers protection directly that is nullified by using Google Pay.

  • Jancye L Bullister says:

    I have been trying to get a refund for a month now. They keep ghosting me
    So I’ve decided to open a case through PayPal. I’m still fighting them. They have the balls to request that I close my case and deal directly with them. Dealing directly with them was nothing but a runaround. That’s why I opened the case. I requested to return them because they took so long to receive. They told me that I couldn’t return them. They offered me a 20% refund. If I wanted a product that came from China and took a month to receive I would have ordered it. Now they upped the offer of a 50% refund. I’m sticking to my guns on this. Why should I pay for a product that I’m not able to use.

    • says:

      Yep, like I said to the other commenter, I stopped using Google Pay over this. Google Pay gave me no way to dispute. If I had paid directly with my Visa, I’d have my money back.

      Their whole thing seems to just be to give you the run around so long that you either give up or run out the 30 day return window.

    • Chea Michaels says:

      Would like an in on your PayPal deal. They scammed me as well. Feel like a fool. I used my bank card and will see if they could help?

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