Stanley’s Stoop

This popped up in my Facebook memories today. Eight years ago when the house was being built. You bet your ass I was on site every day.

Obviously, the “stoop” is even grander now with wrought iron railings and giant white columns in front of an 8 foot double mahogany door of glass and ironwork. Fucking Stanley. He was our appraiser. So he determined the value of our build, which in turn, determined our mortgage. We took a massive loss for not having a “porch.” We just got the checkbox for “stoop.” — hence my anger. Hence my still remembering Stanley, and it being forever STANLEY’S STOOP when I get angry. Fucking stoop my ass. Must be the best goddamn stoop in existence, STANLEY.

That check box would have been the same if it was just three concrete steps in front of a god damn trailer.