How We Cook in the South

1) Put everything in the pot. In this case: 2lbs carrots, 2 big ass onions, 2.5lbs pork loin

2) Stand in front of pantry. Start grabbing shit that sounds like it would be good “in there.” Gather an approximate arm full of shit.

3) Carefully measure ingredients in the palm of your hand, or go by how long you feel like shaking the container. Do this until it “looks good.”

4) Cook.

5) Spend the next 10 years trying to get it right again like that one time you made it and it was perfect.


  • Yes, I do make my own spice blends and store them in random containers with hand written labels. Usually, it’s following one of Alton Brown’s spice blend recipes. OK, all of them are. I love Alton Brown.
  • Baby carrots are the exact same fucking thing as big carrots. Yes they are, MIL! They have the same nutrients. No they aren’t less nutritious because they’ve been “through a machine” and “have rounded edges.” Don’t believe everything your stupid friend offhandedly said once. If you want a specific carrot type, be more specific on your fucking request. I’ll grant that maybe the big carrots have more nutrients in their skin or something — but you know what — you’re peeling them.

Some Things 1/18

  1. I’m seven weeks post op tomorrow (tummy tuck and arm lift). Nothing really new to talk about on that front. Yes, I still have my cursed drains. I saw the doctor yesterday for a regular followup and he said they remove them at 8 weeks. The nurse replied with “not when they’re at 40!” and he didn’t reply. So he scheduled to see me in 2 weeks. That’ll be almost 9 weeks post op. I have faith that he’ll take them out at that appointment no matter what. I honestly think at this point, maybe the drains themselves are making the wound not heal up faster. They were on a steady decline to 35/40 until January started. They’ve not moved since (except one day number 2 shot up but it was just that once). So I’m scared they’ll have to drain fluid with a needle if they remove them, but I also haven’t been laid since NOVEMBER.
  2. At least he took off my 10lb lift limit. I can pick up things now! Rather than stare sadly at them and ask someone else to do it.
  3. Mr C’s birthday was yesterday! The big 40! I made him the lemon tart (recipe here) that he loves because he got chocolate mousse for Christmas. I made it all — the giant pain in the ass. I used M’s tip to mix the crust pastry in the food processor rather than by hand — GENIUS. I juiced all the lemons, I zested, I custard-ed. I clean up all the dishes and then went to put the beautiful tart in the fridge and saw one and a half sticks of butter on the counter. Fuck fuck fuck. I had to dump out all the custard, put it back over the heat and dissolve all the butter then pour it back in. It doesn’t seem to have suffered for it but damn. Close one. I was so pleased with myself before I saw that butter too.